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实 shi

Home Pinyin shi

不切实际 bù qiè shíjì unrealistic

诚实 chéngshí honest; honesty

充实 chōngshí enrich; plenitude; substantiate; substantiating

敦实 dūnshí stocky

果实 guǒshí fruit

核实 héshí verify

厚实 hòushí thick

纪实 jìshí documentary

坚实 jiānshí solid

脚踏实地 jiǎotàshídì down to earth

结实 jiēshi solid

紧实 jǐn shí tight

老老实实 lǎo lǎoshí shí honestly

老实 lǎoshí honest; simple-minded

老实说 lǎoshí shuō honestly

落实 luòshí implement

密实 mìshí compacting

名副其实 míngfùqíshí true name

朴实 pǔshí simple

其实 qíshí actually; in fact

切实 qiēshí conscientiously; earnestly; feasibly; realistically

切实 qièshí practical

确实 quèshí indeed

确实如此 quèshí rúcǐ really

如实 rúshí truthfully

实话 shíhuà truth

实惠 shíhuì affordable

实际 shíjì actual; practical; realistic

实际上 shíjì shang actually

实践 shíjiàn practice; practise

实况 shíkuàng live

实力 shílì strength

实力派 shílì pài warlords

实例 shílì instances; instantiate; instantiated; instantiates; instantiating; instantiation

实名制 shímíngzhì real-name system

实施 shíshī implement; implementation; implemented; implementing; imposed; imposing

实时 shíshí real time

实实在在 shí shízài zài really

实事 shíshì real thing

实收 shíshōu paid-up

实体 shítǐ entities; entity

实物 shíwù real thing

实习 shíxí fieldwork; practice

实习生 shíxí shēng intern

实现 shíxiàn achieve; attainable; attained; attaining; materialise; materialize; realization; realizes

实行 shíxíng implement

实验 shíyàn experiment; experimental; experimentally; experimentation; experiments

实验室 shíyàn shì laboratory

实业 shíyè industry

实用 shíyòng practical; saleable

实在 shízài really

实在是 shízài shì it is really

实则 shízé actual

实战 shízhàn actual combat

实证 shízhèng empirically; positivism; positivist

实质 shízhì substance

事实 shìshí fact; facts; factual

事实上 shìshí shàng actually

属实 shǔshí true

踏实 tàshí practical; sureness

踏踏实实 tà tàshí shí down-to-earth

务实 wùshí pragmatic; pragmatically

现实 xiànshí actuality; realities; reality

写实 xiěshí realistic

信实 xìnshí faithful

压实 yāshí compaction

扎实 zhāshí down-to-earth; solid; solidly; sturdy

真实 zhēnshí authentic; authentically; real; truthful

真心实意 zhēnxīn shíyì sincerely

证实 zhèngshí confirm; corroborate; corroborated; corroborates; substantiation

忠实 zhōngshí faithful; faithfully; loyal

着实 zhuóshí really

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce